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We Meet Again!

For some of us, we've already had two years of science together, where we won the Scientist in the Schools competition both years! What a great feeling to contribute to the scientific community. This year we have more exploration where we will jump right into the scientific world!


There are so many things to wonder about in our world, and grade 7/8 Science will allow our students to not only pose questions which are meaningful to them, but to find ways of answering their own curiosities through research, and both lab and field experimentation.

I am coming into this class with a bachelor's degree in Science, an additional teaching qualification in Intermediate Science, and a master's degree focusing on inquiry-based learning. More importantly, I love Science, and look forward to exploring our world along with the students as the year progresses.

5 ways you can contribute to your child's learning in Science:

  1. ENCOURAGE your child to bring his/her Science-related questions to school. 
    • If you're hearing your child say things like "I wonder how..." or "I wonder why..." or "But I don't get how that works...," encourage him/her to "Google" it, ask the question in class during a Science period, or bring him/her to the LIBRARY! 
  2. ASK for the study package
  • Students will be provided with a study package before any Science test. Students will typically have in-class time to study from these, but will REQUIRE at-home time. 
  • Science is a topic that typically requires a study partner mid-way through the study process. This is because it is difficult for students to truly know how much they know without being tested ahead of time by a friend or parent
  1. SIGN all tests and labs after they are marked and handed back
  • Don't feel as though you are being "annoying" or "nosy" by asking your child how he/she thinks they could have improved, or what worked or didn't work for him/her during the study period.
  • Questions such as "I remember testing you on this topic when we studied. Do you know why you got a 3/5 on that question?" are good ones! These encourage the students to learn from their mistakes, ensuring they continually improve.
  1. ENCOURAGE your child to write down any questions which arise during homework completion or after receiving a marked test or assignment, and bring them to me. 
  • The only way to benefit from struggle and frustration is through finding a solution! I am more than happy to address questions that come up. By bringing me questions, we all work together to assure your child does not fall behind. 
The worst feeling for a student is feeling like you have no idea what's going on!
    1. MAKE it YOUR business to know what we are doing in class.
    • I encourage you to check out this site on a regular basis.  Here, you will find information on projects, homework, upcoming tests, and even pictures of what your children are producing and learning about in class.
    "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."
    -Benjamin Franklin