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Let the Investigations Begin!

Take a look at what our scientists have been up to in grade 8. Stay tuned to find out how our grade 7s are coming along on preparing for their OIL SPILL CONFERENCE.

The MITOCHONDRIA - the powerhouse of the cell. Without these, our cells wouldn't have energy to carry out their functions!

The ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - Studded with ribosomes to help with putting proteins together - this process is also known as TRANSLATION!

The grade 8s learned how to make their own WET MOUNT SLIDE using the ELODEA plant leaf.
Upon further investigation, students were able to observe the CHLOROPLASTS moving along the CELL WALL. This movement is called CYCLOSIS or CYTOPLASMIC STREAMING.

Life Systems

This week, students "met" their lab partners. After getting to know each other's strengths, they moved on to their first assignment together. Students were to introduce themselves to their first unit of study - Life Systems.

Students were asked to create a brainstorm web, with their main idea in the middle. Their attention to detail was exciting, as well as the great questions that arose throughout their research.

Grade 8 students are looking at CELLS:

While the Grade 7 students are looking at ECOSYSTEMS and FOOD WEBS:

Stay tuned to find out where our investigations take us!